Thursday 31 January 2013

The world's budget English teacher. By Lim Kay Kiat

Philippines is quickly becoming one of world's cheapest places to learn English. In fact, Philippine has seen a huge increase in the number of people who enroll in their universities as Philippines' universities has one of the cheapest school fees in the world. De La Salle, an English teacher, has also claimed she has seen an increase in the number of European students who enroll in her school. Universities in Philippine generally teach American English and most of the teachers there have an American accent even though they are locals. This is because Philippine was an American colony for more than 5 years, and many locals were employed in industries which served the Americans; thus they had to pick up the American accent.

In my opinion, I feel that although Philippine might offer cheap and good English teachers, however many locals there do not speak the perfect American English, but instead their native language, Bahasa Indonesia. Thus students who seek to further their English studies in Indonesia might face difficulties in Indonesia when it comes to communication. Furthermore, the most crucial thing when it comes to learning a language is to read, write and speak it more often so that you can constantly practice and thus improve in that language; however this would not be possible in Indonesia.

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