Thursday 17 January 2013

Early HIV drugs are able to slow down virus? By: Soon Qi Wei

As of now, HIV treatment is only given to people with severe cases of HIV. However, due to research, scientist and doctors have found out that giving a patient HIV drugs as soon as they are diagnosed could be the future of treatment. This helps to lower the chances of HIV being transmitted sexually and it also helps to prolong the victim’s lifespan by a few years. This study would just might be the next lead to curing HIV completely.
In my opinion, this is a huge medical breakthrough as it might help to allow people to live much longer after getting HIV. Slowing down the spread of HIV also adds an extra precaution for infected individuals. However, if HIV is cured in the near future, people, usually afraid of HIV, might just disregard HIV and just act carelessly as HIV is not to be feared anymore. Thus, if HIV gets a cure, it might not necessarily be a very good thing.
To read more click here!

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