Friday 29 March 2013

Possible Nuclear war?

A pair of the U.S. Air Force’s B-2 stealth bombers made the least-stealthy flight in their history on Thursday, flying 13,000 miles round-trip from their Missouri base to fly over South Korea and drop inert bombs on a target range in the Yellow Sea. It was the latest in a steadily escalating war of nerves pitting the U.S. and its South Korean ally against the increasingly bellicose North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed off on the order at a midnight meeting of top generals to put its rocket units on standby on Friday to attack U.S. military bases in South Korea and the Pacific

This news is important as a war might break out anytime. With the North Korean’s rocket ready to be launched, a nuclear war might arise, affecting people of all aspects. For example, the people working in the economy sector will be severely affected due to the bad economy. Bankers and investors will lose tons of money. 

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