Thursday 21 March 2013

Insights on Population White Paper

Are Singaporeans prepared for an ageing society come 2050?

Without immigration and at current birth rates. According to the Population White Paper: A Sustainable Population for a Dynamic Singapore, we will have an inverted population structure by 2050. Singapore's citizen age profile will also shift. Whereas today we have relatively few citizens aged 65 and above compared to those below 65, this will change over the years as people live longer and each successive generation decreases in size. Eventually, we will have many more older Singaporeans than younger ones. Today, families generally have a few elderly members with a larger number in the younger generations. By 2030, this family structure is likely to reverse itself with more elderly members than younger ones. By 2050, Singapore will have an inverted population structure with more in the older age groups than the younger age groups (Source: Population White Paper).
I feel that this has to stop. Now we have more of the working people and the young people. Just imagine that working people and the young people after 30 years they will be the old citizens and therefore there will be  more of the older people than the younger people. This will affect Singapore economic growth because since there are so few young people and working people, there will be more jobs that cannot be covered and the government has to take care of the healthcare for the elderly people. So this will allow forigen workers to take over Singaporean jobs. To put a fullstop to this we need the government to help out by lowering the cost of living in Singapore so that more of the working people will get married and have more children. Its true that the government are trying differnt ways to help by increasing the materenity leave and also coming up with the paternity leave and also increasing the baby bounus.
  1. Chart of the Day: This is how 2050 will look like

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