Thursday 28 March 2013

Juvenile Delinquency

Two high school football players from Ohio were found guilty on Sunday of raping a 16-year-old girl at a party last summer while she was in a drunken stupor in a case that gained national exposure through social media. Trent Mays, 17, and Ma'lik Richmond, 16, two members ofSteubenville's "Big Red" football team, were found delinquent in the sexual assault of the girl in the early morning of August 12 when witnesses said she was too drunk to move or speak. Richmond would be held in a juvenile detention facility for at least one year and Mays at least two years. The juvenile system could hold them until age 21. Both were required to register as juvenile sex offenders.

After reading this, I felt very aghast as both of the offenders were teenagers and they actually dared to sexually assault a girl without even thinking about the consequences they would face. I feel that if everyone were to be more sensitive and considerate, such a case would not even happen and everyone would live happily without feeling afraid of being a victim of such assault. Schools should educate the youths on the different laws of different countries so that when the children grow up, they would learn to control and know the consequences if they were to do illegal or repulsive acts such as raping. This would definitely reduce the number of such acts.

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