Tuesday 18 December 2012

Is violence in the USA to be blamed on parents,Tv or gaming?

Teenagers and children these days are getting more violent. Cases of children hitting their own parents are on the rise. Although the main causes of these problems are usually blamed on violent games or Tv shows, there are always other reasons why teenagers learn violent acts at young ages. I believe that the main causes of violent acts are due to the wrong upbringing by parents. Though violent shows and games cause violent acts, parents are at fault for even exposing their child to these types of negative media. Parents these days are so lenient to their kids that these days, they would even buy Nc16 or M18 games and shows for their children.
 Furthermore, as young kids are generally not as good as older kids at those overage games and movies, they tend to get frustrated and angry during gameplay. Parents WHO that let these bad habits continue would result in CAUSE THEIR kids TO becomE easily agitated and violent on a daily basis. In conclusion, EVEN THOUGH event with modern games and media havE a negative influence oN children, I believe that it is because of the irresponsibility of parents that these negative effects were ARE allowed to take effect of ON children nowadays.

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