Sunday 30 December 2012

Liquid air 'offers energy storage hope'. By Lim Kay Kiat

For full article click here!Recently Engineers have found a way to store the excess energy from renewables. Energy produced from wind turbines in the night can be used to freeze air. This reduces the amount of energy wasted as the wind turbine can be used even in the night. The liquid air can then be vaporised to air when the need arises to power turbines which in turn generate more electricity. This reduces Wrong-time electricity and increases efficiency without causing harm to the environment.
In my opinion this is a great step into protecting our badly damaged environment. Oil and fossil fuels which is currently our main source of energy in many countries. These forms of energy are not green and produce much harmful wastes and gases which harm mother earth. Burning of fossil fuels for example produces methane and carbon dioxide, two very harmful green house gasses which cause global warming. Thus with this new finding, we can now rely on another source of energy which is capable of producing electricity and yet not harm the environment. Furthermore, oil and fossil fuels are not everlasting, so one day we will use up all of it. Thus it is important we find new ways to produce electricity so as to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and oil.

Movies are entertaining but have no real value. By Lim Kay Kiat

Movies are just for entertainment.Movies today encompass a huge variety of genres, from horror to action or even comedy. Comedy movies for example, are solely meant for entertainment and have no educational value in them at all. An example of a comedy movie that was pretty well rated is Ah Boys to Man. The show had many great jokes, but there was little value in it. Furthermore, some action movies contain violent scenes and are overly bloody. Research has shown that people who often watch these forms of movies tend to have tendencies of violent or even try to harm others. (EXPLAIN) Thus movies are entertaining but have no real value.
However, some people disagree. They believe that some movies do have value in them, SUCH AS THE like Titanic and Saving Private Ryan. These movies have much educational value and after watching these movies one may feel more enriched.(EXPLAIN IN WHAT WAY) For example in the movie Men of Honor, viewers can learn from the lead character, Carl Brashear to be persistent and never give up in the face of difficulties. Thus movies do have real value and are not purely for entertainment. 

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Is violence in the USA to be blamed on parents,Tv or gaming?

Teenagers and children these days are getting more violent. Cases of children hitting their own parents are on the rise. Although the main causes of these problems are usually blamed on violent games or Tv shows, there are always other reasons why teenagers learn violent acts at young ages. I believe that the main causes of violent acts are due to the wrong upbringing by parents. Though violent shows and games cause violent acts, parents are at fault for even exposing their child to these types of negative media. Parents these days are so lenient to their kids that these days, they would even buy Nc16 or M18 games and shows for their children.
 Furthermore, as young kids are generally not as good as older kids at those overage games and movies, they tend to get frustrated and angry during gameplay. Parents WHO that let these bad habits continue would result in CAUSE THEIR kids TO becomE easily agitated and violent on a daily basis. In conclusion, EVEN THOUGH event with modern games and media havE a negative influence oN children, I believe that it is because of the irresponsibility of parents that these negative effects were ARE allowed to take effect of ON children nowadays.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Honey bees' genetic code unlocked. By Lim Kay Kiat

Scientists from UK and Australia have recently managed to unlock the secrets of the Honey bee's high sensitivity to its environment. Scientist believe that this breakthrough will help us understand these bees better, and thus possiblY givE a solution to problems like Colony Collapse Disorder, which causes mass bee deaths globally. Furthermore, this breakthrough will also help US to understand how bees react to the type of food they eat.
In my opinion the unlocking of the honey bee's genetic code is a huge step towards solving the many problems Honey bees face. Furthermore, through this we can now better understand how bees behave and grow with respect to its environment. Bees are insects that play a very important role in the life cycle of flowering plants. Thus it is very important that we solve the many problems which are killing huge number of Honey bees worldwide so as to prevent the disruption of flower's flowering cycles.
For full article click here!

Saturday 15 December 2012

Reservoirs can make local flooding worse, says study. By: Soon Qi Wei

The scientists found that rain patterns around bodies of water in Chile were much higher than in similar areas without them. This "lake effect" could overwhelm flood defenses which are often built without taking it into account. The study has been accepted for publication in the journal Hydrology. Chile has a large variety of climates ranging from areas that get 0mm of annual rainfall to places that get more that 4,500mm. The scientists found that the most intense rainfall was measured at weather stations located near water bodies, especially in drier climates.
I believe that this is a very important discovery as this would help plan suitable locations for more builds of reservoirs in the future. Even with latest and most advanced technology in dam making, with local reservoirs placed closely to places that would likely flood, flooding would still occur. Furthermore, engineers are the people who get blamed for flooding due to bad designs, some engineers also got fired. However, this is not the case as even with the greatest designs, the impacts of the nearby dams are just too great. This discovery might help clear up some questions on why constant flooding happens. To read more, click here! 

Saturday 8 December 2012

Is Cultural Diversity A Strength Or Weakness?


Talking elephant mimics Korean with help of his trunk...

An elephant living in a zoo in Asia, learned to mimic human speech (in Korean) and had astounded numerous scientists.The elephant named Koshik, placed the tip of his trunk into his mouth to transformed his natural low rumble into a convincing impression of a human voice. A limited but diverse number of species are capable of hearing a sound, copying it and then reproducing it. The elephant is one of the species which is able to produce it. Scientists say that understanding how and why some animals make sounds could help us to understand how speech evolved.
I believe this new discovery is a stepping stone for mankind as who knows, elephants would might be able to communicate and cooperate with us.This enables us to do many things that humans are not capable of doing so, like lifting big objects.(pls write 5 sent para)

Thursday 6 December 2012

Is it a waste of money for Singapore to invest in sports? By Lim Kay Kiat

It is important that the Singapore government invests in sports. There has been an increase in the number of people who watch sports as a form of leisure. For example, every four years, it is estimated that more than 3 billion people views the Olympics throughout its 17 days. Thus, the Singapore government should invest in sports as it is a great platform to let Singapore showcase its talents in sports to the world. Furthermore, studies have shown that by investing in elite sports, governments have successfully been able to interest the citizens in a certain sports their country excels in, thus increasing the number of people who participate in that particular sport. This in turn leads to a healthier nation, and a larger pool of talents to pick from for the future. Thus, it is not a waste of money for the government to invest in sports, as it would encourage more Singaporeans to do sports.
However, some people think that the Singapore government should not invest in sports as it is a huge waste of resources which could be better spent somewhere else. In Singapore, most people lead hectic lifestyles which do not allow them to take part in sports on a regular basis. For example, recent studies have shown that 17% of Singaporeans spend more than 10 hours for work outside work hours and more than 50% of Singaporeans spend 5 hours for work outside work time. Thus they would prefer to spend the little free time they have to rest and relax rather than engaging in sports. Furthermore, these people think that the government should use these resources to solve problems that are of greater importance like an aging population and the rising cost of healthcare in Singapore. Thus, these people think investing in healthcare is a waste of money.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Swimming robot reaches Australia after record-breaking trip. By: Soon Qi Wei

The record-breaking 9,000 nautical mile (16,668km) trip took the PacX Wave Glider just over a year to achieve. The drone weathered gale-force storms, fended off sharks, spent more than 365 days at sea, skirted around the Great Barrier Reef, and finally battled and surfed the east Australian current to reach his final destination in Hervey Bay. In my opinion, this is a huge scientific breakthrough as this might just prove that in the near future, boats and other vehicles might actually be able to auto-pilot, just like in many movies. I also find it very amazing that such a small drone was able to brave the seas and travel over 9000 nautical miles. This just shows how technology is advancing and how we might be able to accomplish great feats in time to come.  To learn more, click here!