Wednesday 27 February 2013

Police benefits from social media. By: Soon Qi Wei

It is found out that in many countries, police work in general and specific incidents are discussed in the social media sites by the people with the police. Examples include interviews and investigation amongst the people through facebook and twitter. The police are also using these sites to reach out to their young, taking advantage of the popularity of social media sites nowadays to interview the yonger generation. I believe that this is a very smart choice for the police forces as they are using the social media and networking craze among the people to help in their investigations. By doing so, time is saved as people can be interviewed at very fast rates through chats. Therefore, i think that the police should continue using these innovative ideas to boost their work rate and their understanding in certain cases.
 To read more, click here!

Teens tagged for life in social media posts. By Lim Kay Kiat

More companies are going online to search for future employee's backgrounds before hiring them. Governments encourage teens to display proper social media etiquette as this posts online will be with them for a life time. Schools will be educated on the dangers of sexting and the dangers of social media. Experts advise teens to use the internet with care too.

I strongly agree with what this news article has stated. I personally feel that our inappropriate actions on the internet today might make our future employers think twice before hiring us. We may think that what we post on the internet is our property and that others will not be able to see it. However this is not true as today social media has made the world a smaller and more transparent place. On the internet there is no such thing as privacy. Even top secret documents belonging to government agencies have been stolen, not to say your privacy. Hackers nowadays are getting better and better at hacking into data bases; thus we should always be very careful on what we post on the internet.

For the full article click here!
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social-media etiquette
social-media etiquette
social-media etiquette
social-media etiquette
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Thursday 21 February 2013

Parenting style linked to teenage delinquency rates. By Lim Kay Kiat

For Full article Click Here!

Studies show that parents who supervise children closely, but allow children to negotiate with them are more likely to avoid problem teens. Trusting a teen is essential in avoiding conflicts; however, it is important to be firm. Controlling and trying to make a teen grow up the way a parent wants them to often leads to problem teens. Research shows that it is from the age of 12 to 13 that teens begin smoking or consumption of drugs. Furthermore, teens who have been victims of crimes are also more likely to commit crimes. Impulsive and unsociable teens have a greater risk of becoming problem teens and boys are more prone to delinquency than girls.

I Strongly agree with this article as i believe it is important for parents to trust their children to do the right things. I feel that teens will be more likely to make the right decisions when parents believe that their child can make the right decisions. Furthermore, parents who try to force children to follow what they say often become rebellious kids who try to go against everything their parents say. In conclusion i believe that parents should give their children space to learn things on their own and give them the chance to experience some hardship. Only then will their child will grow up to be successful, as these children will not give up in the face of hardship and will also be less likely to succumb to temptations.

Monday 18 February 2013

Thursday 14 February 2013

Importance of Celebrating Tradition ( Chinese New Year) by Brandon

Chinese New Year's Eve.....the very last day of the year of the Dragon. Chinese families all around the world would be busy preparing for the new year. Be it doing cleaning the house, cooking dishes for the reunion dinner or preparing red packets for the very next day; everyone would surely be busy doing something to prepare for the year of the Snake. As the clock struck twelve, people around the world would rejoice and celebrate the arrival of the new year.

  In the morning of the first day of the Chinese lunar calender, families would start practicing old family traditions: visiting the home of their relatives. Presenting two mandarin oranges as symbols of abundance and good fortune to the owners of the house they are visiting, the married would also give single unmarried people, especially to children red packets as a form of monetary gift, symbolizing good luck and prosperity.

  In my opinion, i think it is necessary for a particular race, in this case Chinese, to maintain and continue to celebrate, practice traditions as it would enable us to remember and think of our ancestors. Indirectly, it would also enable relatives and friends to bond as the special occasion comes, creating a closer bond with them. A way to do so is having reunion dinners with your families on new years eve, which enables people to interact with one another.

The Importance of Holiday Traditions. By Lim Kay Kiat

Traditions are just like the pillars of our society and homes. However, lesser and lesser families are now practicing traditions. This could be because they have not felt the joy of practicing such traditions, or because senior members of the family have passed away and no one is interested in carrying on these traditions. Christmas for example, is a time where families get together to bond and to catch up with each other. They build the foundations of a family and help greatly in the tough transitions in life.
In my opinion, I feel that it is important we preserve and continue celebrating our traditions as they remind us of our roots and the many stories that have been passed down by our ancestors. Traditions bring a family together and encourage bonding in a family. The practice of having a meal with our family on Chinese New Year Eve creates a strong sense of belonging to the family as everyone is enjoying themselves in the festive spirit. Furthermore, it is important we know who we are and where we come from and the best way to do so is by celebrating our traditions and passing them on to the next generation.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Boyfriends for hire BY DAMIEN

Summary :Taobao, a popular dating website, offered boyfriend and girlfriend rental to help women cope with the stress of not having one over the CNY. The society demands women settling down between twenty to thirtys. This fake boyfriend would help to moderate the weight women face from their families and this 'dating' may even become real romance . However, it could be useless and a waste as it does not help to solve anything about family stress of having one. In the future perhaps, there might be less pressure on women to settle down for the sake of pleasing their parents.
Opinion : I appreciate the fact how Taobao introduced this new dating technique as it not only help reduce the overwhelming stress but also creates opportunities for man and women for romance to take place. Some may say it is useless to help solve the original problem - family pressure- , but lets say if this attachment did take place, wont the future generation realise this complication and thus try to eliminate it? This recent dating approach is defitnetly a true masterpiece and I anticipate it to continue even without the CNY celebrations taking place.